Wednesday, 18 February 2009

So much for blogging!

I keep forgetting that I have a blog! Whoopsy!

Since I last blogged I have gained a family member, Freddie a psychotic tonkinese kitten.

freddie 003

He has grown a lot since these pictures were taken, but he doesn't seem to sit still long enough to get any new ones. Since he arrived at his new home, he has chewed through the cable for the Wii sensor, clawed my curtains, terrorized the kids (v. funny!), terrorized me (not so funny), broken one of my Piggin ornamants, tipped water and cups of juice over and bitten and clawed every member of the family! He has gained himself some nicknames too........Kung Foo kitty cos he loves leaping off furniture and attacking everyone, and Psycho Sid, which suits him down to the ground!

Charlotte has had her hair dyed black, looks lovely but my word do her roots grow through fast!


I'm very proud of Charlotte, she is 14 in March and she will be doing her Art GCSE's soon because she is doing so well.

Knitting wise I have been doing a lot of premature baby clothes, I haven't got any pictures yet but will get some sorted out. I have also knitted a hat and wrist warmers of my own design, but daughter chose the colours lol!

knitting 001

This hat was also my first attempt at knitting designs into it, think its called intarsia or something!

knitting 002

These wrist warmers haven't been taken off yet I don't think!

Blog again soon(ish)!

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Happy New Year and thank you to Amber Moggie!

Here we are in 2009 already! I haven't made any resolutions because I always break them.......I'm just going to try and be happier, stress less, enjoy my wonderful children while they are young and KNIT something for ME!

I got a lovely squishy parcel in the post yesterday from a fellow blogger, AmberMoggie, I got a gorgeous Femme that I absolutely adore and some gorgous hand dyed yarn in yellow and orange. Thank you so much Amber Moggie, my prize is wonderful. I will post a picture as soon as I find my card is hiding from me again!

On the knitting front I have finished the white and blue hooded jacket and a blue and white striped cardigan. I am now knitting a matinee jacket for a So Truely Real Doll that I have pinched off my Mum. It is knitted in James C Brett Harmony Brights, again pictures to follow when I can get them onto my laptop. I have bought some wool for wrist warmers for Charlotte, I have chosen bright pink and dark grey, just need to find an easy pattern now.

Friday, 19 December 2008

I'm still here!

I've not got a great deal to tell you really.......I'm working on a blue and white hooded jumper for my friends baby......who was born nearly 2 weeks ago, and is the sweetest baby EVER! My knitting seems to be in a bit of a rut at the moment and I've lost my knitting mojo, I will be searching for it in the New Year.

My kids are really hyper at the moment, thanks to their lovely teachers who think it is a good idea to give the kids chocolate and sweets as Xmas gifts! Molly has made lots of lovely glittery things to hang on the tree and my godson decided to drop his bag full of glittery things all over my everything is sparkly and looking like we have had a visit from the Xmas fairy!

I'm nearly ready for 'the big day' and only have about 1,000,000 gifts to wrap (well OK maybe not that many but it feels like it!) and I need to buy the kiddies some new PJ's for Christmas Eve, seeing as their PJ's are far too small for them and they'll look daft on the Xmas morning photos!

The kids broke up from school today so I will have to try and find things to keep them quiet until Thursday. They are having their dress rehearsal for their Sunday school play tomorrow and the play will be on Sunday, I am really looking forward to seeing it, Chaz is narrating a bit of the play, Josh is acting in the play and Molly has got a speaking part as one of the Shepherds. Poor Molly missed out on her School play because she threw up about 5 minutes before going on stage and they sent her home, so I am glad she has got such a great part in the Sunday school play.

Anyway I will try and get some pics of the kids and post them before Christmas!

Friday, 14 November 2008

V-neck finished!

I've finished the cardigan in King Cole spot on wool. It looks lovely, can't wait to see the little man wearing it.


I have actually added buttons, very cute white ones with 2 blue bunnies on them. I'm in the process of knitting the second sock for my eldest DD. I'm knitting them in purple zigzag. They're not looking too bad considering they are my first pair.

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Another FO

I've finished the stripey arms cardigan and even put the buttons on lol! Buttons and ties for booties are my downfall, I always leave them until the very last moment!


Matching daft hat!

Cute mittens

My daft cat Smokey checking out my work.....why, oh why, do cats have to sit on your work? And other daft places...................

I'm working on a v-neck cardigan at the moment, I'm knitting it in King Cole Spot On yarn, The random patterns are really interesting.


I bought my yarn from my local yarn's just been taken over by an old school mate and his partner, they are very friendly and it's lovely to see young faces behind a counter of a wool shop. Bobbi, the owner, has started a knitting club on a Thursday night and I am hoping to join soon. My 13 yo DD wants to go too, she is enjoying knitting baby mittens and little projects. Get them while they are young I say.........I've tried teaching Molly, 6, but I'm afraid my patience doesn't stretch that far!! LOL

Friday, 31 October 2008

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween to anybody who may be reading this! I've let my monsters out trick or treating. Charlotte is in control of the younger ones.....I hope they behave for her!

Charlotte dressed as a corpse bride.

Josh as a werewolf.

George as a vampire.

Molly as the prettiest witch on the block!

This is my lot with a couple of their friends.

Don't they look a motley bunch? I used to love trick or treating, now I'd rather sit at home watching my Eastenders and having a nice cuppa coffee....does that show my age? lol. I'm slightly concerned about the amount of e numbers and nasty colourings in all the sweets they will be bringing home with them. I will have a child size cage ready for them!

On the knitting front, I have finished my stripey arms cardigan and I have now started on a v-neck cardigan in King Cole Spot-on DK, it's knitting up to follow!

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Some of my finished work

Found my card reader.........yeah! I searched the house a few days ago and nothing, today I was looking for something else and found the card reader, how typical is that? I've uploaded a few of my pics, some of my knits have found new homes so I can't get pics of them. My friend is expecting a baby in December and I am knitting loads for I'll show you what I have made!


This is the first thing I made....not too bad!


My knitting was a bit tight when I made this, I'm hoping it will loosen once washed.


The hats and mittens are my own design, the green set is made from Patons 100% cotton.



This is knitted from a pattern in the Simply Knitting magazine.


I love the little monkey buttons on this, I think they finish it off lovely.

Well ther's some of the things I've knitted and I am still working on the stripey arms cardigan. WIP to follow!

I'll have to get a pic of the siamese cat I knitted, I made it for my mum, she is a siamese cat breeder. The stud cat, Billy, has taken a bit of a liking to it and keeps running off with it, so my Mum has had to hide the toy in her wardrobe!!