I keep forgetting that I have a blog! Whoopsy!
Since I last blogged I have gained a family member, Freddie a psychotic tonkinese kitten.
He has grown a lot since these pictures were taken, but he doesn't seem to sit still long enough to get any new ones. Since he arrived at his new home, he has chewed through the cable for the Wii sensor, clawed my curtains, terrorized the kids (v. funny!), terrorized me (not so funny), broken one of my Piggin ornamants, tipped water and cups of juice over and bitten and clawed every member of the family! He has gained himself some nicknames too........Kung Foo kitty cos he loves leaping off furniture and attacking everyone, and Psycho Sid, which suits him down to the ground!
Charlotte has had her hair dyed black, looks lovely but my word do her roots grow through fast!
I'm very proud of Charlotte, she is 14 in March and she will be doing her Art GCSE's soon because she is doing so well.
Knitting wise I have been doing a lot of premature baby clothes, I haven't got any pictures yet but will get some sorted out. I have also knitted a hat and wrist warmers of my own design, but daughter chose the colours lol!
This hat was also my first attempt at knitting designs into it, think its called intarsia or something!
These wrist warmers haven't been taken off yet I don't think!
Blog again soon(ish)!
Time passes
7 years ago
Freddie is certainly growing. Your daughter is very pretty, the colour in her hair looks great. Also love the hat and wristwarmers well done.
love your intarsia hat and wrist warmers,freddie looks cute, he is just letting the family who is boss hee
I wish Charlotte well in her Art GCSE's
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